Disneyland used to give you a packet of tickets when you paid at the entrance. There were "A" tickets, "B" tickets on up to "E" tickets. The "E" tickets were the best rides - like The Matterhorn. You were always sorry to run out of "E" tickets. This blog is about our 4 day weekend with our granddaughter Gwen Scout - an "E" Ticket weekend for sure!
Hi Mommy and Daddy! Do you want to know what I did at Gamma and Gampa's house? OK I'll tell you. Gamma had a swimming pool outside and I got to hold the hose and help fill the pool with water. This is me doing my water dance. See how I put out my leg just so?

I also ate strawberries.

Gamma and I picked berries and ornies. The berries were yummy too. It was fun to ride in the wagon with Gamma to the ornie trees.

We made a train in the kitchen. I put Elmo in the front. It was fun to make a train. And see...I'm eating more watermelon popsicle!

Mommy, did you know Gampa has a race car like Lightning McQueen? He DOES! and I always like to drive the race car. Gampa stayed out with me and gave me popcorn while I drove his car.

On Saturday Gamma dried the pool and brought it into the house and poured a bag of balls into the pool. Oh Mommy! I had so much fun running and kicking and rolling in those balls. I laughed and I squealed. It was REALLY fun. You can watch me on the video below.

On Sunday after my nap, Gamma and Gampa drove to Great Aunt Kim's house. I went outside and played in the water with Aubrey and I saw a real turtle. I got to touch it too! That's their dog Mary standing by me. (and I am eating another watermelon popsicle!)

We also had good food at Aunt Kim's house. I ate a hot dog and corn on the cob.
At Gamma's house I played outside with Gamma a lot. See Daddy, I put the walrus and the bird in the boat.

Daddy, Gamma showed me your doctor kit and I was the doctor for my baby. I checked her eyes....and her ears....and her mouth. I also listened to her heart. My baby was good. Good eyes. Good ears. Good mouth. Good heart.

Well, I think I will go back outside to play in the pool. By Mommy and Daddy! I'll see you soon. I love you!
Gwen Scout