Julie and I were in the backyard and I casually mentioned that someday I would like a patio under the citrus trees in my backyard. Julie looks over the area and tells me, "We can do it."
"Yeah, right! Jules, we need strong guys to move dirt and make it level - and I'm thinking maybe even a professional."
"We can do it Mom."
Well, it seemed pretty near impossible to me and so Julie gave up.
A few moments later, "Julie, do you REALLY think we can do it?"
"Yes, Mom, but you don't really want it right now and so that is OK."
"Oh no, I really want it. Do you really think we can do it?"
"We can do it."
"OK Julie, then let's do it. If you think we can do it - let's go for it!"
And so we did. Amazingly ambitious.......BUT WE DID IT!
Julie shoveled dirt and filled in low spots while I raked it level. Many trips to Home Depot to get sand, imitation flagstone pavers, bark, and planting soil.
We poured on the sand and worked to level it with a couple of long boards and when it was pretty level, we started adding the pavers.
After the pavers we filled in the cracks with planting soil and spread the bark around the edges. BEAUTIFUL!
We moved our yard furniture over to the new patio - and voila! When it gets a little cooler, we will plant baby tears between the pavers.

I couldn't believe it. We did it in two afternoons. Wow! Thank you Julie! One of my dreams come true with not much money and not nearly as much work as I thought. What a wonderful gift.
PS: If you already read COMFORTABLE, go back because I added SWIMMING, READING, AND PIES.
WOW. that really was ambitious. It turned out great though.. I guess I know who to call if I need landscaping done. ;)
Seriously. I told Julie the same thing. She really had an eye for what work had to be done and whether we could do it or not. I think she should look into landscaping too!
Thanks momma for these wonderful memories of the trip! We really did do a lot ... and not a lot at all. That pretty much sums up a pretty good vacation. Lots and lots of nothing.
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